Applicable to all staff, clients and members of the public accessing the company premises and operations.

To ensure a healthy and safe environment for all staff, clients and members of the public.

General Statement of Intent
The Company is committed to promoting high levels of Occupational Health Safety and Environmental Management. It is the company’s intention that its activities are carried out in accordance with relevant statutory provisions and complies with the letter of the Law. All reasonably practicable measures are taken to avoid risk to its employees and others in particular vulnerable individuals (young persons, disabled individuals, new and expectant mothers), and the natural environment that may be affected by its activities.

The company recognises and accepts its responsibility as an employer for providing a safe and healthy working environment for all employees, clients and the public and will take steps to meet this responsibility paying particular attention to the provision and maintenance of:

Plant, equipment and systems of work that are safe and without risks to health

Safe systems of work in the use, handling, storage and transport of articles and substances

Sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision to enable all employees and learners to avoid hazards and to contribute positively to their own safety and health at work

A safe place to work with safer means of access and egress

A safe and healthy working environment

Adequate welfare facilities

The successful implementation of this statement requires total commitment from all employees and each individual has a legal obligation to take reasonable care for his or her own health and safety, and for the safety of others who may be affected by his or her own acts or omissions. The organisation also acknowledges its obligations of the possible effects of the adjacent community, together with protecting the natural environment.

The company is committed to providing a working environment that promotes good health and mental wellbeing of all employees.

Information, instruction and training, as is necessary, to enable the safe performance of our work activities will be available to all employees and others who may be affected by company operations.

The company management team will ensure that all processes and systems of work are designed to take account of H S & E and that staff, are properly supervised at all times.

Adequate facilities and arrangements will be maintained to enable employees and their representatives to raise issues of Health and Safety.

Competent people will be appointed to assist the company in meeting its statutory duties including, where appropriate, specialists from outside the organisation.

All employees must co-operate with the company to enable its statutory duties to be complied with and safe working practices will be monitored through observation of practice.

The company will review this statement and regularly monitor it to ensure that its objectives are still valid, being achieved, and where necessary, will be revised to take into account legislative or organisational changes.

This statement of intent will apply to all companies, premises and operations for which the company has responsibility.

In order to ensure that the Health, Safety & Environmental Policy is successfully managed within the organisation the following responsibilities have been allocated.

Company Directors
Company Directors are responsible for ensuring that the company Health, Safety & Environmental Policy is observed and that all facilities, resources and requirements necessary for effective compliance with the policy are provided for.

They will give support and encouragement to all other members of staff to enable them to fulfil the duties imposed upon them.

They will also ensure that all Health, Safety & Environmental correspondence and reports are forwarded to their respective officers and departments for information and where necessary action.

Directors will satisfy themselves as to the competence of their supervisory staff.

Senior Management Team:

Be responsible for ensuring that the Health, Safety & Environmental Policy is implemented within the company.

Ensure employees are aware of their responsibilities under the policy and comply with required safety procedures.

Monitor the workplace to ensure that safe conditions are maintained and periodic safety inspections are carried out.

Monitor legal documents, statutory registers and insurance certificates that are kept on premises and ensuring that the necessary Statutory Abstract notices are displayed.

Ensure that all accidents and dangerous occurrences are properly recorded, reported and investigated and that all employees, contractors and visitors are made aware of safety procedures.

Ensure that wherever possible waste consumable materials are recycled or disposed of in a manner suitable to reduce any impact on the environment.

Ensure that all requirements of FSO The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) are maintained and that all firefighting equipment is adequately serviced

Ensure that equipment, plant and substances that are used are suitable for the task and are maintained in good working condition, including the regular maintenance and servicing of equipment, and where possible purchase and supply consumable products and materials which are environmentally friendly.

Provide or arrange adequate training, information, instruction and supervision for all staff including temporary personnel in order to ensure that work is conducted safely.

Take further, immediate and appropriate steps to investigate and rectify any risks to H S & E arising from the work activity.

Ensure that responsibilities for Health and Safety checks are conducted.

Inform Directors in writing of any Health, Safety and Environmental issues that require attention.

Ensure that information, instruction and training is given to all employees, particularly new entrants.

Attend Health, Safety and Environmental training courses when requested.

Ensure that there is an adequate supply of materials, welfare facilities and equipment to meet
statutory requirements.

Give support and encouragement to other members of staff.
Report to the SMT quarterly detailing recorded accidents and actions taken to mitigate against.
Action safety reports and correspondence concerning operations under their supervision.
Instigate disciplinary procedures (in compliance with the company disciplinary rules) where failure to achieve the safety regulations, company safety policy and good safety practice is evident.
Ensure appropriate health and safety vetting and risk assessments are conducted in all places where training and assessment takes place. This includes employer premises and other training provider locations where delivery is in partnership.

Management Team

Company managers will
Ensure all staff under their direct control implement safe working practices.

Ensure as part of the Company induction new staff are competent in their respective areas and are appropriately trained on an ongoing basis in Health and Safety procedures.

Ensure the op environment outside the Company premises are assessed for Health and Safety suitability prior to the learning programme taking place.

Ensure identified responsibilities within Appendix A are carried out in line with the guidance.

Ensure other appropriate staff involved in the production and maintenance of Health and Safety records keep such records up to date and available for inspection.


All employees must:
Comply with the Health Safety and Environmental Policy and related procedures.

Take reasonable care of their own health and safety and outline to their manager any individual needs they might have.

Use the correct tools and equipment for the job and ensure that they are kept in good condition

Wear the appropriate personal protective equipment at all times and ensure visitors and clients follow the same guidelines

Consider the safety of other people and vulnerable individuals who may be affected by their acts or omissions.

Understand the emergency procedures of the Company and the associated buildings.

Work in accordance with information and training that has been provided.

Make use of safety aids, appliances, equipment and protection clothing where necessary.

Refrain from intentionally misusing or recklessly interfering with anything that has been provided for Health, Safety & Environmental reasons.

Report any hazardous defects in plant and equipment, or shortcomings in the existing safety arrangements, to their manager who will take the necessary action.

Not undertake any task for which authorisation and/or training has not been given.

General code of practice of safe working

All equipment must be installed, tested and used in accordance with manufactures instructions

If equipment is suspected to be faulty or damaged this must be reported immediately

All materials, tools and equipment must be stored securely and switched off/unplugged after use

Advice on safety matters can be obtained from the Senior Management Team and the website

Accident reports

The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR) placed duties on employers to comply with reporting work related accidents and incidents to the Health and Safety Executive. The company has a statutory duty to report notifiable accidents to the HSE and FSA as soon as possible by telephone and in writing within 10 days of the incident. (In event of death)

All fatalities, injuries or accidents occurring on property used by the company staff must be reported, whether it involves a client, employee or any other person on the premises – or the relevant outside agency’s accident and report form must be completed to comply with that agency’s procedures, and a copy must be taken and given to the Directors.

All fatalities, injuries or accidents (including near misses) to company employees must be reported in the Accident Book, which should be held on the premises.

How do you decide whether an accident is ‘work related’?

An accident will be reportable if it is work-related – the work itself must contribute to the role and any of the following play a significant role.

a) the way work was carried out

b) any machinery, plant, substances or equipment used for the work

c) the condition of the site or premises where the accident occurred

Statutory reporting – reporting of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences regulations 1995 RIDDOR

Death of a Person

All deaths to workers and non-workers, with the exception of suicides, must be reported if they arise from a work-related accident, including an act of physical violence to a worker. The person in charge of the premise in which company staff are operating must telephone the Health and Safety Executive immediately (0249160604)

The Directors must be notified by telephone immediately after telephoning the HSE (This is in addition to any notification protocols implemented by the person responsible for premises in which company staff are operating.)

The scene of the incident must be cordoned off and left untouched unless it presents an immediate danger to others, with company staff complying with all relevant protocols.

The Senior Management Team of the premises at which company staff have been operating, is normally responsible for completing the relevant form required by the HSC and FSA and seeing it is forwarded to the HSE and FSA within 10 working days.

Specified Injuries to Workers

You must ensure that all types of work-related accidents are reported through the laid down, procedures in force at the premises in which you are operating.

Where an employee suffers a specified injury (as defined in this guidance) as a result of an accident arising out of or in connection with work, the person in charge of the premises, is required to telephone the details of the accidents to the relevant Health & Safety Unit, immediately or as soon as possible after the event.

Specified Injuries to Workers

The list of specified injuries’ in RIDDOR 2013 replaces the previous list of ‘major injuries in RIDDOR 1995.
Specified injuries are (regulation 4):

Fractures, other than to fingers, thumbs and toes


Any injury likely to lead to permanent loss of sight or reduction in sight

Any crush injury to the head or torso causing damage to the brain or internal organs

Serious burns (including scalding) which:

o Covers more than 10% of the body
o Causes significant damage to the eyes, respiratory system or other vital organ

Any scalping requiring hospital treatment

Any loss of consciousness caused by head injury or asphyxia

Any other injury arising from working in an enclosed space which:

o Requires resuscitation or admittance to hospital for more than 24hours

Over seven day injuries to workers

Where an employee is incapacitated as a result of an accident at work and incapable of performing their normal work duties for more than seven consecutive days after the accident (excluding the day of the accident, but including non- working days) the SMT in charge of the premises in which company employees are operating is required to notify the enforced authority-: (details on RIDDOR).

Injuries to non-workers

You need to ensure that an accident to someone who is not an employee (e.g. learner or visitor) – which is as a result of work-related accident is reported if:

A) The death of any person.


B) They result in an injury and the person is taken directly from the scene to hospital for treatment to that injury


A manager or person in charge of the premises in which company staff are operating may be informed in writing by a registered medical practitioner that a company employee or person undergoing training is suffering from a work –related disease specified in RIDDOR 1995. A copy of that notification must be given to the Directors. This must be reported to the enforcing authority.

The diseases, which are most likely to be reported under this heading are:

i) Conditions due to physical agents and the physical demands of the work Cramp of the hand or forearm due to repetitive movements. Bursitis at or about the knee

Traumatic inflammation of the tendons of the hand or of associated tendon sheaths

Carpel tunnel syndrome.

ii) Infections due to biological agents Hepatitis Legionellosis Tetanus

iii) Conditions due to substances

Occupational dermatitis Occupational Asthma

The health and safety officer of responsible person must ensure that the relevant form is completed immediately and forward copies to the managing director.

Emergency Action Plans

The plan should include all the actions needed in light of an emergency situation:

Find out the cause of the emergency and control the environment

Call the relevant emergency response team

Evacuate or isolate the area

Prevent the situation getting worse

For off-site activities, the risk assessment will have highlighted when and who to contact as a situation develops, to the area you are operating in i.e. Fire /Ambulance / Police/ Lifeboats

Skills4 will then put into action the relevant company actions

The press should be kept out of harm’s way until it is safe and, they have relevant permission to enter the area from the emergency team on site.

Only the Management will talk to the press in a controlled manner.


Logical Maritime Services Limited

 LMS Heights
 Rev. Fiawoo Street, Community 10,  Tema

030 333 0877
030 332 1868

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