Lock in Transportation and Shipping Rates to the Extent Possible

Given the volatile fluctuations in oil pricing, which will have impacts on all forms of transportation, lock in transportation and shipping rates as soon as possible.

Freight & Shipping Delays

We at Freight is are following the news from Ukraine closely and keeping those affected by this tragic situation in our thoughts.

Beyond the human tragedy, the crisis is also impacting freight and supply chains in multiple ways, from higher fuel costs to sanctions and disrupted capacity, which we explore in this week’s update.

For logistics, the most widespread impact across all modes will likely be rising fuel costs. As oil prices climb, we can expect increased costs to trickle down to shippers.

Combined with ongoing pandemic-related delays and closures, non-stop demand for ocean freight from Asia to the US, and a lack of capacity, ocean rates are still very elevated and transit times volatile.

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